The Production Gap discrepancy
New UN Production Gap report that has just been published points out a huge discrepancy beteen what needs to happen and the current reality
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
New UN Production Gap report that has just been published points out a huge discrepancy beteen what needs to happen and the current reality
Each year Humanists International, a non-governmental organisation championing secularism, human rights and equality, publishes a very comprehensive and influential report titled “The Freedom of Thought Report”. The 2019 edition is available and contains a few surprises. Let’s take a look. What exactly is this report all about? This is a comprehensive report on “discrimination against humanists, atheists and the … Read more
A former Astrologer writes a tell-all expose in the Guardian. The insights into what is really going on and how it works is truly fasinating
Pew have published the results of a survery that asking people about religion and public life. I have doubts regarding the answers given.
Wingnut weekly – a selection of weirdness from the past week that emminates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics
One part of the Facebook “solution” is to flag Fake News as Fake. This is how they describe it … Better identifying false news through our community and third-party fact-checking organizations so that we can limit its spread, which, in turn, makes it uneconomical. This leads to an interesting question. If you permit people to … Read more