Climate: Have we passed a Tipping Point?
When do we cross a tipping point intoi unstoppable climate change? An article in Nature argues that we are very very close.
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
When do we cross a tipping point intoi unstoppable climate change? An article in Nature argues that we are very very close.
2019 Emissions Gap Report has been published as input for COP25 conference next week. The content is bleak – our emissions continue to grow.
It is now well established that the oil and gas industry knew that their product would have dire consequences for the climate further down the road. But what about the far older coal industry, did they know? A recently rediscovered journal article verifies that they did. Mining Congress Journal, August 1965 Below is the abstract … Read more
Latest WMO Greenhouse Gas Bulletin confirms that the levels of CO2 within our Admosphere are still climbing –
#COP25 folks, This must change.
Wingnut weekly – a selection of weirdness from the past week that emminates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics
Kanye West appears to have gone “full Jesus”. For some this is a move that can be used to emotionally manipulate vast numbers of his fans.