Weird Religious News – Trump’s Unicorns


The word weird is of course wholly appropriate for the blend of religion and right-wing politics. Other words that naturally come to mind include “delusional” and “fantasy” because these are folks who don’t just read books about Narnia, but instead they have moved in, taken up residence, and live there. This is a place where … Read more

Alex Jones – Reaping a Well-earned reward

alex jones

The reality of actions having consequences is fast catching up with Alex Jones. Back last April I was writing about the well-deserved defamation suits that he was being served with. Today there are several updates to bring you up to speed on. Initial Hearings for the Defamation Suits As was perhaps anticipated, nobody is rolling … Read more

WMO State of the Warming Climate in 2016: ‘Truly Uncharted Territory’ – #climate

Today, 23rd March, is World Meteorological Day. To mark the occasion the World Meteorological Organisation has issued an official statement regarding the state of the climate during 2016. It is not good. The content is not an option, nor a belief, or “conspiracy” by one specific organisation. Instead it is an evidence based statement that is firmly backed up … Read more

What does the NOAA Global Analysis for Nov tell us?

Each month NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) issues a global analysis for the preceding month. The Nov data is now available. Basically they aggregate information from many different sources. This all then comes together to construct a global and near-global understanding of large-scale conditions. That of course takes time, hence these reports are typically … Read more

There are hints of a new and far better arabic spring

In response to a religiously motivated attack the traditional response within the more serious portions of Arabic media has been the adoption of the stance that those that perpetrate such crimes against humanity are not “true” Muslims and nothing to do with Islam. Sadly such a stance is a denial of reality and helps to … Read more