What do British Muslims Really Think?

Channel 4 recently aired a programme that was designed to reflect the results of a comprehensive survey that they commissioned, and as might be expected, there have been complaints. It is perhaps inevitable because some are permanently ready to be offended if a specific belief garners any form of criticism, and labels are soon rapidly … Read more

Bangladesh’s shameful response to the murder of Nazimuddin Samad

A couple of weeks ago in Dhaka, Bangladesh law student Nazimuddin Samad (pictured above), 28, was walking down a busy street near Jagannath University where he studied when suddenly he was surrounded by a gang of religious thugs who had been waiting specifically for him. They then proceeded to hack at his head with a machete, then when he fell, shot him with a pistol … Read more

Robert De Niro Claim: ‘there is a link between vaccines and autism’

So once again the topic of vaccines and autism pops up and the media is running with it because somebody famous has said something utterly daft. To be fair, media outlets do often balance things, for example the UKs Telegraph has the story and does underline that his claim is not factual. Let’s cut to the actual text within … Read more

#ResignCameron appears to be a fun feed because of #panamapapers

The revelation via the Panama Papers that the UK Prime Minister, David Cameron, has personally benefited from a secret offshore fund setup by his dad, and that he now admits that this is indeed the case, has provoked a bit of a political storm. From this flows some highly embarrassing (for him) details … He personally … Read more

#FreeHugsProject attends Trump and Sanders rallies – result tells you everything

Here is a small fun and very practical demonstration of how things really are. Members of the #FreeHugsProject (yes, that is a real thing and has been so for 10 years), attended a Trump Rally, and of course they were welcomed with open arms? … er no, not exactly, but instead The Trump supporters behaved as you might anticipate … Read more