#ResignCameron appears to be a fun feed because of #panamapapers

The revelation via the Panama Papers that the UK Prime Minister, David Cameron, has personally benefited from a secret offshore fund setup by his dad, and that he now admits that this is indeed the case, has provoked a bit of a political storm. From this flows some highly embarrassing (for him) details … He personally … Read more

#FreeHugsProject attends Trump and Sanders rallies – result tells you everything

Here is a small fun and very practical demonstration of how things really are. Members of the #FreeHugsProject (yes, that is a real thing and has been so for 10 years), attended a Trump Rally, and of course they were welcomed with open arms? … er no, not exactly, but instead The Trump supporters behaved as you might anticipate … Read more

What should you do when religious people come knocking on your door?

In the past during my religious phase I once belonged to a group that decided to do some outreach, and so this attempt to grow the community basically consisted of going door-to-door and inviting people along. It was I confess an interesting experience, because I got to see ways in which different people responded when encountering religion, … Read more

Evangelical support for Trump

Russell Moore, President of the Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, has written a piece within the Washington Post in which he renounces the term “evangelical”, not because he has stopped believing, but rather because the term now describes individuals who appears to support and champion people that are very publicly and vocally opposed to the values … Read more

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