Why do we believe stuff that is not true?

Rather a lot of beliefs do not lean on evidence, but instead are castles of confidence that are built upon something distinctly different. I’m not specifically talking about religion, so what am I getting at? OK, let’s work a few examples. Myth: Vaccines cause Autism I need not go into the history here, except to perhaps point … Read more

Satanic Rituals at a Bible Belt City council

It really happened. This is story about David Suhor from the Satanic Temple and how he delivered a rather unique invocation at a Pensacola City Council meeting deep in the heart of the US Bible belt a couple of weeks ago. As you might perhaps anticipate, it provoked a reaction and so we also had protesters in … Read more

Shock announcement from credible source – NASA has discovered alien DNA

While surfing Facebook the other day, a posting that caught my eye was entitled … Marijuana Contains “Alien DNA” From Outside Of Our Solar System, NASA Confirms My immediate thought was “That’s Bullshit”. If it had been via DavidIcke.com or some other similar dubious source then I would have simply rolled my eyes and moved on, but since this was … Read more

Legal Expert: #Brexit campaign was ‘criminally irresponsible’

If you have not yet viewed this, and are interested in what actually happened during the #BREXIT campaigns, then you should watch the following video. In it Professor Michael Dougan assesses UK’s position following vote to leave the EU. As a legal expert he is also very vocally critical of the LEAVE campaign, not simply because … Read more

Professor A C Grayling’s letter to all 650 MPs – #BREXIT

The well-known philosopher and founder of the New Humanities college, A C Grayling has written a letter to all 650 MPs regarding the #BREXIT vote. The letter has been posted on the New College of Humanities website and has the following note added to it … Please note: The following letter expresses the personal views … Read more