What are the implications of the NOAA funding cuts?

You are perhaps aware the Mr T is proposing to deploy a rather hefty axe to the funding for NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and radically slash its budget. If you did not know that then your starting point can be an article within The Washington Post (3rd March) entitled “White House proposes steep budget cut to … Read more

NY State Attorney rejects Congress Subpoena as illegal – #climate

Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas) has been the primary climate change denier in congress for the past few years now. If you are truly wondering what motivates his pro-oil anti-science stance then you need look no further than the $700,000 that he has received from the fossil fuel industry during his career in Congress. They are getting their money’s worth … … Read more

Why do so many people ignore facts?

We are awash with people who reject facts and embrace myths … Creationism Rejection of the scientific consensus that humans are the cause of climate change The assertion that 9/11 was an inside job The claim that vaccines cause autism etc… We are wholly familiar with much of this. This is because the realisation that … Read more

Top 3 weird Religious News Items for the week – Sun 5th March 2017

I appear to have started a weekly posting because this is now the third week of this. Last week’s is here, and so I have now scanned the landscape to bring you three more items of religious weirdness from the past week. Item 1 – Evangelist Franklin Graham: Planned Parenthood Fundraiser is like Building “Nazi Death Camp” Did he actually … Read more

Anybody got any ideas for naming Trappist-1 planets? #7NamesFor7NewPlanets

NASA wonders if anybody out there can help them to name the recently announced seven earth sized planets that have been observed in orbit abound Trappist-1 … https://twitter.com/NASA/status/835199600709468160 Now to be clear, this is not a serious suggestion but instead is just a bit of fun (and publicity). Some random twitter user will not be … Read more