Religions Discrimination: Ordering Satan-themed cakes – #SatanCakes

Well hey, its Halloween, so let’s go for a Satanic Temple themed posting. In reality, this is a posting about religiously inspired discrimination. You might perhaps be tempted to think that an article dated 31st Oct about a Satan themed cake is simply a Halloween spoof. It is perhaps true that my timing is a … Read more

Las Vegas victim threatened by conspiracy theorists

Canadian Braden Matejka narrowly escaped death in the Las Vegas shooting, and so his story along with many others became international news. Here he is briefly telling his story on CBC … He had a very very lucky escape and narrowly missed death by millimetres. Essentially the bullet grazed his skull. If he had been standing … Read more

NPS lifts ban on bottled water after demonstrating that it worked

water bottle ban

The US National Park Service strives to take the most reasonable evidence-based stance possible for all decisions and policies. I have a personal example that involves a chat with an NPS employee, a student volunteer who was in a second season of taking people caving. I don’t mean a walk, but instead putting on all … Read more

What should you do what faced with hardcore vaccine denial?

vaccine denial

Meet Dene Shulze-Alva and her daughter Sage, age 5. The above is a picture of her that was highlighted within an NPR article about vaccine denial.  The backstory here is that she is a hardcore vaccine denialist who has not only refused to have her daughter vaccinated, but takes time out to fly right across the … Read more

Avoiding Dangerous Global Warming: The Window Is Closing

Dangerous Global Warming

If we proceed with a business-as-usual scenario and fail to take truly meaningful decisive action to address Climate Change then there is about a 50 percent possibility that global temperatures will rise by 4 degrees celsius. This is an actual existential threat for our species and would be quite deadly. Where are I getting this from? … Read more