Mom violently attacks Pre-school teacher … why?
A mom violently attacked her child’s preschool teacher. What is the backstory here, what happened to motivate her to do this?
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
A mom violently attacked her child’s preschool teacher. What is the backstory here, what happened to motivate her to do this?
Fundamentalist Nurse accuses school board of being demonic because they supported a mask mandate to keep students safe.
Pew ran a survey asking people if intelligent life exists elsewhere. They then broke down the results using religious demographics.
New study reveals that the public acceptance of evolution has dramatically increased in the last decade. It also explains why
Are you at risk of becoming a victim of popular scams? What can you do to help protect yourself from this happening to you?
Those who take an anti-science stance are often regarded as deeply stupid. Sometimes they will do stuff that truly does confirm that view.