Playing “Bad News” teaches Fake News awareness

fake news

There is an online game that you can play called “Bad News”. This however is not just any game, it has been specifically designed to psychologically train and inoculate those that play against Fake News and disinformation. How can this possibly work? The thinking behind this is research into what is known to some as … Read more

The European Heatwave of June 2019


Once again the ominous phrase “record breaking” pops up. The forecast is that the heatwave will see temperatures of up to 45c in France. “But it is summer” you might quip, “what exactly did you expect”. Er no, it is not August, we are still in June. Here is how the UK’s Guardian explains the … Read more

Climate Change: Countering Misinformation


What should you do when faced with climate misinformation, is there a science-based strategy that can be deployed? Yes there is – the 4D project is one example.