James Hansen, father of climate science, has a truly scary paper telling you what comes next.

James Hansen, helped raise the first real public awareness of climate change way back in 1988 when he testified before congress. It is right that he should be the name associated with the topic because he has pioneered modern climate science. He is now doing it again. His latest research pointed to a conclusion that … Read more

Betting on Climate Change …. for money.

We often use some common variation of the phrase, “Well I bet that is true”, not as an actual bet, but rather as a way of expressing confidence that whatever it is being discussed is, in the opinion of whoever is saying it, highly probable. However, back in 2008 a couple of chaps took it to the … Read more

Can you see what nobody else can see, are you a tetrachromat?

Most humans have three different cone cells within their eyes. It is these three variations that enables you to perceive colours. A word used to describe this is “trichromatic“. What is truly fascinating is that not everybody has just three variations of cone receptors, some have four and are tetrachromatic. Tetrachromatic vision is something that is found … Read more

What are the very best arguments presented by Climate Change deniers?

Not everybody is on board with the idea that climate change is real and that human activity is the root cause, and so beyond the prevailing consensus that exists within the scientific community there are a few individuals who take a different stance. What arguments do they present and what inspires them to go in a … Read more

TIL @ #WSF16 – Elephants that go underground and mine salt

The title might suggest that this is a satire piece, but it is not and is instead the literal description. It comes via a talk given by Ian Redmond at the Winchester Science festival last Sunday, and so the acronym TIL within the title means “Today I Learned”, but to be a tad more accurate perhaps … Read more

Climate Change: Global Summary Information – June 2016

The numbers for June 2016 have just been published and various prominent media outlets are quite rightly reporting it. Here are a few examples … The BBC reports … Hottest June ever recorded worldwide – NOAA USA Today reports … June was Earth’s 14th straight record warm month The UKs Guardian … Hottest ever June marks 14th month of record-breaking temperatures … Read more