Vast back-to-back mass coral bleaching hits Great Barrier Reef – #climate, @CoralCoE, @ProfTerryHughes

  The largest coral structure in the world, the Great Barrier Reef which is roughly about 1,400 miles long, is experiencing yet another major bleaching event. Recent major bleaching events have happened in 1998, a dramatic El Nino year, 2002, and also last year in 2016. Since 2016 was also an El Nino year, there was a suggestion … Read more

Deeper encouraging trend emerges from recent #climate poll data

A recent poll demonstrates that while Donald Trump and the Republican party are in complete denial of reality, most of the public are rather sensible, and are not like this. There is also a deeper message here as well, one that is very encouraging, but hidden in the details. First, before we get into that, … Read more

New Evidence of fundamental changes within Arctic Ocean – #Arctic

Within Science a new paper has been published that lays out clear evidence of a rather dramatic structural change that is taking place within the Arctic Ocean. To be clear, this is not something that has suddenly happened, but rather has been on-going for the past couple of decades. What is new is a better understanding. … Read more

#Climate Denial Propaganda: “Why Scientists Disagree about Global Warming.”

The Heartland Institute churned out a piece of Climate Denial Propaganda entitled “Why Scientists Disagree about Global Warming.” back in 2015. If you check it out, you will find that that promote it as follows … Rather than rely exclusively on United Nation’s IPCC for scientific advice, policymakers should seek out advice from independent, nongovernment … Read more

Video: Climate scientists discuss record lows in Arctic and Antarctic sea ice

Carbon Brief has a nice video up in which Climate Scientists briefly answer a few key questions regarding the recent low’s of both the Arctic and also the Antarctic sea ice. Let’s first ask – Who are “Carbon Brief”? Their “About Us” page lays it all out … Carbon Brief is a UK-based website covering … Read more