Its Ramadan – anybody up for a picnic?

You might (or might not) be aware, but we are currently in the middle of Ramadan.  It started on Wednesday, the 11th of August and will continue for 30 days until Thursday, the 9th of September.  Now, some of you might not too familiar with the concept, so let me explain. Once a year Muslim … Read more

Islam, the religion of peace, slaughters more

Once again, Islam, “The religion of peace”, has added to its endless body count. Today it has been reported that a couple in northern Afghanistan were stoned to death … why? … Simply because some false medieval prophet thought that it might be a good idea, because God told him so. The BBC news web … Read more

Catholic Church cover up still carries on

One argument often put forward in defense of the Catholic church cult is that a lot of what happened is all in the past. However, I recently came across solid proof that this is a complete lie. Because I’m Irish, and went through the Irish educational system myself, I have an interest in all this. … Read more

The First Church of Robotics

Source: New York Times — Aug 9, 2010 “By allowing artificial intelligence to reshape our concept of personhood, we are leaving ourselves open to the flipside: we think of people more and more as computers, just as we think of computers as people,” says author and computer scientist Jeron Lanier. “The constant stream of stories … Read more

Whats wrong with Pascals Wager?

Blaise Pascal, philosopher, scientist, mathematician and probability theorist (1623-1662), came up with a now famous reason for being a believer. It goes something like this: If God exists, then the believers are quids in, they go to heaven and the non believers loose out – hence only believers win in this scenario. If God does … Read more