Nobody wants to be a Priest

There is an interesting article in Friday’s Independent about the struggles that the Catholic church is having with the brainwashing recruitment of Priests. The number of priestly ordinations in Ireland has dipped below England and Wales for the first time in living memory, new figures reveal. The recruitment crisis is a clear indication of how … Read more

Ground Zero Mosque debate – one more thought

There has been, and continues to be, lots of debate about the Ground-Zero mosque. I’ve already joined in earlier to make the observation that its not a Mosque and its not at ground zero (but then odd little facts like that don’t appear to matter to a lot of folks. Dam the facts, lets stir … Read more

Islamic Veil: Liberation or Oppression

One claim I’ve often come across is that women who adhere to the practise of covering up assert that the Islamic veil is very liberating. Really!! … for who and in what way? OK, lets think about that for a moment and apply a bit of thought to it. What is actually going on here … Read more

Children abused, killed as witches in Nigeria

From CNN … Akwa Ibom state, Nigeria (CNN) — Just after midnight, the pastor seized a woman’s forehead with his large hand and she fell screaming and writhing on the ground. “Fire! Fire! Fire!” shouted the worshippers, raising their hands in the air. Pastor Celestine Effiong’s congregants are being delivered from what they firmly believe … Read more

Richard Dawkins – Guardian Review Ad Hominem

A couple of days ago in the UK Channel 4 broadcast “Faith Schools Menace?” in which Richard Dawkins was the presenter … Oh heck,  …(slaps hand on head for missing it). Don’t panic, all is not lost. If you missed it like I did, then you can watch it on You Tube here … (Phew!). … Read more

Snippits of utter insanity

Today I’m going to return back once more to Poe’s law. Only a few days ago I was blogging about “Internet Laws” and there introduced you to it. However, since then I’ve been exploring it a bit more and so I think I’ll share some of my discoveries with you. As a quick reminder, it … Read more