The BBC’s propaganda for fundamentalist Islam

Fasinating insightful article in the Telegraph today by Andrew Gilligan, the Telegraph’s London Editor. He explains how the BBC has been suckered by a slick Islamic PR machine, and he also outlines what has really been going on. The BBC’s propaganda for fundamentalist Islam One of the main conclusions I drew from my Telegraph/Channel 4 … Read more

Oregon City couple plead not guilty in faith-healing death of their infant son

You would think that people would learn, but they don’t … OREGON CITY – Two members of a church that preaches faith-healing pleaded not guilty Monday to manslaughter charges for failing to provide medical care to their infant son, who died shortly after his premature birth. OK, so what happened? Attorneys for Dale R. Hickman … Read more

Evan Harris – On Teaching RE in schools

There is a great article in todays Guardian by Evan Harris (Previously a Liberal MP, secularist, and is very science friendly)… Is science teaching undermined by religious instruction in faith schools? The evolution-creationism debate in schools must be about religious education lessons not just science lessons. This is my blueprint for better RE From time … Read more

Radical Islam’s Fellow-Travellers

An interesting article by Nick Cohen that contains much though provoking material regarding Islam … its worth reading … First a bit of context. The publication “Standpoint”, that contains the article, describes its mission statement as … …celebrate our civilization, its arts and its values — in particular democracy, debate and freedom of speech — at a … Read more

Nobody wants to be a Priest

There is an interesting article in Friday’s Independent about the struggles that the Catholic church is having with the brainwashing recruitment of Priests. The number of priestly ordinations in Ireland has dipped below England and Wales for the first time in living memory, new figures reveal. The recruitment crisis is a clear indication of how … Read more

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