Claim: Obama imposes Islam upon House of Representatives

As part of the on-going and utterly bizarre claim that Obama is really a secret Muslim with an Islamic agenda, we have this latest gem doing the rounds (Image above and tweet below) … What are the facts here? The pictures (and also an associated video clip) show Imam Hamad Chebli of the Islamic Society of Central Jersey … Read more

Children’s Home Refuses $28,000 Donation

You would perhaps expect a Children’s Charity that has been established to provide a home and support for abused kids would gratefully receive any and every donation offered …. but apparently not. So this is what happened. This is a story about how Matt Wilbourn and his wife (pictured above) attempted to make a donation to a … Read more

Has religious decline come to a halt in the UK?

The National Center for social research has recently released some new statistics. In this they reveal that the decline of religion within the UK appears to have halted. The UK’s Telegraph has in turn picked this up and run with that .. Decline of religion in Britain ‘comes to a halt’ – major study suggests … Read more

Are Demons Real?

Let’s start with the basics first – There is no evidence that supernatural entities known as demons are real and actually exist. There are of course many stories. The concept is also a powerful religious idea that helps people to explain some things, hence the idea thrives and persists. Many belief systems claim that unseen hidden supernatural entities … Read more

How do Christians cope with abhorrent bible verses?

It is perhaps popular these days to point out not only some of the contradictions, but also some of the quite frankly obnoxious bible verses. I am just as guilty of that as many others, I plea no innocence here. So what happens when you confront a deeply committed Christian with such verses? Nothing changes, … Read more

Telling people how to dress in public

Over in France the concepts of Liberté, égalité, fraternité, apparently only applies to those that dress correctly … The UK’s Independent reports the latest move as follows … Burkini ban: First French Muslim women fined for wearing garment on beach in Cannes Fines have been imposed on women wearing burkinis in the southern French town of Cannes.  … Read more