New Insights: 53% of Britons are non-religious

The results of the latest British Social Attitudes survey have now been published, and as might perhaps be anticipated, the number of non-religious people has continued its upward trend. Where can I find the precise details? Press Release for the latest survey is here  A PDF containing the full survey results can be found here. … Read more

Claim: “Nobel laureate Brian Josephson supports Intelligent Design”

Somebody at the Discovery Institute came across an old interview with Brian Josephson done as part of a CBS documentary. They are now highlighting it as “evidence” for Intelligent Design on the blog “Evolution News”. … He compares design in evolution to human creativity, and concedes that his ideas about ID may not be consistent with … Read more

Creationist Drops Grand Canyon Lawsuit After Park Approves His Research Permit

Back in 2014 a geologist named Andrew Snelling who works for Answers in Genesis, the Young Earth Creationist organisation, formally applied to the National Park Service for a permit to remove rock samples from the Grand Canyon. You can find his actual permit application buried in a subsequent lawsuit that he made when his application was … Read more

Deliberate fraud: @SamHarrisOrg and @MaajidNawaz

Hemant Mehta has written a recent posting in which he describes in precise detail how words can be lifted out of context and then re-purposed as a weapon. It is a fascinating read, and to tempt you into reading it all let me give you a summary. Last January Sam Harris interviewed his friend and … Read more

Top 3 Weekly Weird Religious News Items

In some respects, almost every religious belief is weird. We simply don’t notice because it has blended into the background and become part of the culture, so we don’t perceive the weirdness. Take for example what is perhaps the most popular belief on the planet – Catholicism. At its core you have a ritual called … Read more

Christian Intolerance, spite and outright aggression

If you ask people to list other words that they associate with the word “Christian” then those that embrace some variation of Christianity might suggest terms such as “Love”, “Compassion”, “Tolerance”, etc… However, ask those that are not inside the bubble and you will at times find a rather different list that includes terms such … Read more