Zionists stole my shoe – #MossadStoleMyShoe

Asghar Bukhari is the founder of the controversial Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK (MPACUK), a group that has made headlines by promoting an anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist conspiracy theory agenda. Well, the news is that all of that past attention now pales into insignificance when compared to the truly bizarre Facebook posting he has put up. In it he claims … Read more

Daft Claim: Gay people are pedophiles who want to recruit your sons

Yep, it’s Pat Robertson of course. So here is how it plays out … A widow writes in concerned about her son who lives with her – no age is specified Apparently her son is in a gay relationship with another man who is married and so she asks for guidance on what to do. … Read more

Bizarre Claim: Aliens are going to hell

The Huff Po has an article that presents us with this …  Creationist Ken Ham Says Aliens Will Go To Hell So Let’s Stop Looking For Them Creationist Ken Ham, who recently debated Bill Nye the Science Guy over the origins of the universe, is calling for an end to the search for extraterrestrial life because aliens probably … Read more

God has filed a Class Action against all gay people

This is truly bizarre, (hat tip to Tim for pointing it out to me). Hemant Mehta, the Friendly Atheist blogger reports that a class-action claim has been launched by Sylvia Driskell against every single gay person in the US on behalf of God. He explains … Driskell will be representing herself in the case of (I’m not making this … Read more

ISIS and Taliban Have Announced Jihad…On Each Other.

This, if true (and I harbour some doubts), is quite frankly hilarious – ISIS, a group that embraces a rather extreme, violent, and completely intolerant variation of Islamic belief, have declared Jihad on the Teliban, another group that embraces a rather extreme, violent, and completely intolerant but slightly different variation of Islamic belief, and the Teliban … Read more