Topless protest in Tunisia has clerics demanding death penalty

19 year old Tunisian Amina (FEMEN Tunisia) posted a topless photo of herself bearing the slogan “my body belongs to me, and is not the source of anyone’s honour”, what happened next is oh so predictable. The HuffPo  has the details … Tunisian newspaper Kapitalis quoted the Wahabi Salafi preacher Almi Adel, who heads the Commission … Read more

The Numbers game – Claim – “Islam is the fastest growing” … er, except it’s not.

There exists an on-line group that was established by some Muslims to “debunk” Atheism, and so given my stance I was added (without being asked). How are they doing so far? Not very well, but then how exactly do you de-bunk non-belief? the only way possible is to offer objective empirical evidence that some variation of belief … Read more

Lying for Allah – Islamic Fraud

As part of a claim regarding the authorship of the Quran by a supernatural entity, I was presented with “proof”. This consisted of a series of clips by some western scientists that supposedly examined the quran and declared it to be divine, here are a couple of examples … Prof. William W. Hey“I would think … Read more

Islamic excuses for Misogyny

Last weekend we were faced with a rather blatant bit of Islamic Misogyny. An Islamic far-right group called iERA organized a public debate at a London University between one of their speakers, Hamza Tzortzis, and Professor Krauss, a theoretical physicist, on the topic of “Atheism of Islam: Which makes more sense?”. As the public arrived, … Read more

Islamic sexual segregation imposed by force at a UCL event in London

If invited to a Mosque or similar venue, then perhaps I would anticipate some religiously motivated rules to be in place, but when the event is a public debate at the University of London, in this case “Islam vs Atheism”, then that is an entirely different matter. Last Saturday 9th, the debate organised by the Islamic Education … Read more

Maldives girl, 15, sentenced to 100 lashes for ‘fornication’

The UK’s Guardian reports on how the religion of “peace” is once again demonstrating their progressive social thinking … A 15-year-old girl sentenced to 100 lashes for “fornication” on a remote part of the Maldives is at the centre of a new row between moderates and religious conservatives in the Indian Ocean luxury tourist destination. … Read more