The BBC’s propaganda for fundamentalist Islam

Fasinating insightful article in the Telegraph today by Andrew Gilligan, the Telegraph’s London Editor. He explains how the BBC has been suckered by a slick Islamic PR machine, and he also outlines what has really been going on. The BBC’s propaganda for fundamentalist Islam One of the main conclusions I drew from my Telegraph/Channel 4 … Read more

Radical Islam’s Fellow-Travellers

An interesting article by Nick Cohen that contains much though provoking material regarding Islam … its worth reading … First a bit of context. The publication “Standpoint”, that contains the article, describes its mission statement as … …celebrate our civilization, its arts and its values — in particular democracy, debate and freedom of speech — at a … Read more

Ground Zero Mosque debate – one more thought

There has been, and continues to be, lots of debate about the Ground-Zero mosque. I’ve already joined in earlier to make the observation that its not a Mosque and its not at ground zero (but then odd little facts like that don’t appear to matter to a lot of folks. Dam the facts, lets stir … Read more

Islamic Veil: Liberation or Oppression

One claim I’ve often come across is that women who adhere to the practise of covering up assert that the Islamic veil is very liberating. Really!! … for who and in what way? OK, lets think about that for a moment and apply a bit of thought to it. What is actually going on here … Read more

Its Ramadan – anybody up for a picnic?

You might (or might not) be aware, but we are currently in the middle of Ramadan.  It started on Wednesday, the 11th of August and will continue for 30 days until Thursday, the 9th of September.  Now, some of you might not too familiar with the concept, so let me explain. Once a year Muslim … Read more

Islam, the religion of peace, slaughters more

Once again, Islam, “The religion of peace”, has added to its endless body count. Today it has been reported that a couple in northern Afghanistan were stoned to death … why? … Simply because some false medieval prophet thought that it might be a good idea, because God told him so. The BBC news web … Read more