The BBC’s propaganda for fundamentalist Islam

Fasinating insightful article in the Telegraph today by Andrew Gilligan, the Telegraph’s London Editor. He explains how the BBC has been suckered by a slick Islamic PR machine, and he also outlines what has really been going on. The BBC’s propaganda for fundamentalist Islam One of the main conclusions I drew from my Telegraph/Channel 4 … Read more

Radical Islam’s Fellow-Travellers

An interesting article by Nick Cohen that contains much though provoking material regarding Islam … its worth reading … First a bit of context. The publication “Standpoint”, that contains the article, describes its mission statement as … …celebrate our civilization, its arts and its values — in particular democracy, debate and freedom of speech — at a … Read more

Islam, the religion of peace, slaughters more

Once again, Islam, “The religion of peace”, has added to its endless body count. Today it has been reported that a couple in northern Afghanistan were stoned to death … why? … Simply because some false medieval prophet thought that it might be a good idea, because God told him so. The BBC news web … Read more

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