Islam – Arrests and puts of trial two men for eating lunch!!!

Just to illustrate how crazy and totally insane some belief systems can be, we have the case of Hocine Hocini and Salem Fellak who were arrested last august. The hideous crime they are accused of is simply eating lunch on the building site where they worked in Kabylie, northern Algeria … and thats it, nothing … Read more

Anti Islamic statements …freedom of speech or a hate crime?

The Dutch Anti-Islamic politician,  Geert Wilders, is currently on trial, which should prove to be rather interesting, because he is also playing a decisive role in the formation of a new Dutch government. “The freedom of speech of at least 1.5 million people is on trial with me,” Wilders said on a social media site, … Read more

Islamic schools a cover for child slavery

There is a report on the BBC about child slavery in Senegal. As many as 50,000 boys in the west African state of Senegal are living in slave-like conditions and being forced to beg, according to human rights workers. Human Rights Watch says teachers at many of the country’s private Islamic schools, or Daraas, are … Read more

Islam and Democracy – Incompatable?

The following news article has surfaced … The Taliban on Sunday announced plans to disrupt Afghanistan’s parliamentary elections, scheduled for September 18. A Taliban spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, told reporters that the balloting is just for the benefit of the foreigners who he says are occupying the country. And he urged the Afghan people to boycott … Read more

Iranian Clerics being grossly immoral yet again

Once again we have yet another example of how barbaric the Islamic regime in Iran is. There are reports that they have sentenced Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani – the 43-year-old Iranian woman who faces execution after being convicted of adultery – to 99 lashes in prison for “spreading corruption and indecency”. So what exactly does that … Read more

I don’t like the Manhattan mosque, but they’ve got the right — as long as I’ve got the right to point and laugh : Pharyngula

Some snippets from a great article by PZ on the Mosque and freedom … …, we have not made thinking ugly thoughts about creating a theocracy illegal — if we did, we ought to simply arrest the Imam for promoting undemocratic ideals. We don’t and we won’t, I hope, because then we’re voluntarily setting ourselves … Read more

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