Pew Research … Most Muslims want Sharia law… but nobody agrees on what that is.

A Pew Research survey entitled “The World’s Muslims: Religion, Politics and Society” polled 38,000 Muslims across 39 countries, and shows that the majority favour the implementation of sharia law. However, there is one very important fact that can also be demonstrated from this same survey,and while is something that is already known to those familiar with the … Read more

Islamic Violence … Even the excuses don’t withstand critcism

A sadly common pattern is that those that perpetuate violence in the name of Islam often tout US foreign policy as a form of justification. Well, Thomas L. Friedman, a journalist, columnist and author, has written a piece that effectively demolishes this myth. Mr Friedman is no isolated and inexperienced hack issuing bulletins from an ivory tower, he lived in Beirut … Read more

“Islamophobia” – What is wrong with this term?

The word “Islamophobia” is defined as a prejudice against, hatred towards, or irrational fear of Muslims, and as a definition that is fine. The problem however is that is not how the term is actually deployed. Instead of being a word used to criticise an irrational emotional bias, akin to say racism or xenophobia, it is instead being … Read more

Bangladeshi government is cracking down on bloggers critical of its pro-Islamist stance

The news from Bangladesh is rather grim, the government has been letting Islamic lunatics dictate policy, here are some details from the Huff Po … Asif Mohiuddin, 30, is one of those bloggers. Mohiuddin has only recently recovered from injuries he incurred during an attack on him by a militant Islamist group in January. Detectives … Read more