How do Christians cope with abhorrent bible verses?

It is perhaps popular these days to point out not only some of the contradictions, but also some of the quite frankly obnoxious bible verses. I am just as guilty of that as many others, I plea no innocence here. So what happens when you confront a deeply committed Christian with such verses? Nothing changes, … Read more

Did Humans really land on the Moon?

The TL;DR; answer is that yes we really did it. Sadly however there are people who are quite committed to the idea that it never actually happened and that what we have been presented with is nothing but special effects. I recall once encountering a Moon landing hoaxer while attending TAM (The Amazing Meeting) in the US. … Read more

The Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge … disbelief

The story in Genesis that perhaps most readers will be familiar with runs as follows … And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: … Read more

How do your persuade people who are immune to facts?

If you have ever spent more than  2 minutes on social media then you will have discovered that there are people out there who are not simply wrong, but also demonstrate a complete immunity to little things like facts. Absurd notions prevail that range from medical quackery being promoted as the best, and science (the … Read more

The decline and demise of Islam and Christianity

OK, so let’s set a bit of context here. The focus is that I am writing about religious morality, or to be a bit more specific, beliefs that tells you what is and is not right or wrong. Clearly the beliefs that do exactly this tend to dominate today, specifically Islam and also of course Christianity. Now here … Read more