Practical Notes: Using Google to find out what is really true?

Today I’ll try something slightly different and will instead offer a few notes on how to leverage Google to find stuff out. I should however start with one very important observation, Google search is just a tool, and like any other tool it is perhaps akin to a piece of rope that you can either climb with … Read more

An attempted modern Resurrection fails

The astonishing part of this story not only concerns the observation that some religious nut truly believed that he could be buried and then resurrected, but that he also found a few others who were prepared to buy into the absurd idea and bury him alive. It all concerns Shamiso Kanyama, a self-appointed “prophet” who … … Read more

Claim: “God is outside our universe, hence is beyond science”

Adam Ericksen, the Education Director for The Raven Foundation a religious group that promotes non-violence, has recently blogged the rather common claim that God is not part of this universe. My intent here is not to specifically criticise Mr Ericksen nor the Raven Foundation, but to instead highlight it because it is simply one example of … Read more

What should you do when religious people come knocking on your door?

In the past during my religious phase I once belonged to a group that decided to do some outreach, and so this attempt to grow the community basically consisted of going door-to-door and inviting people along. It was I confess an interesting experience, because I got to see ways in which different people responded when encountering religion, … Read more

Why the way you think will potentially determine your belief

An article by Will M. Gervais and Ara Norenzayan that was published in Science back in 2012 suggested that Analytic Thinking Promotes Religious Disbelief, and if curious to see the precise details of that paper then you will find the full PDF for it here. So let’s dig into this a bit and see what it is all … Read more