Donald Trump, the ‘N’ word, & Marybeth Glenn

So some of the stories swilling around  relate to yet more footage of Trump. A recent rather public whisper is that there are segments from recordings of The Apprentice where Trump was being Trump. The producer of the show recently commented on the latest revelations as follows … As a producer on seasons 1 & 2 of … Read more

2016 Nobel Prize – Peace

I was tempted to skip writing about the Nobel Peace prize. Rather obviously my primary interest has been the three big Nobel Prizes (Medicine, Physics, and Chemistry) that I wrote up earl;lier on in the week. The “Peace” prize however does perhaps deserve some attention, specifically because the entire endeavour is at times (if I may … Read more

Milestone achieved – Now we put the Paris Agreement into effect

Back in December 2015 as many as 174 nations signed what is now known as the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, but that is simply ink on paper and is quite frankly meaningless in that it did not commit anybody to do anything. The far more important aspect is that it marked a beginning of a … Read more

UKIP MP Claims: “Experts are wrong about the moon causing ocean tides”

Within the UK there is a political party known as UKIP (or UK Independence Party). It has developed a bit of a reputation over the years as a bastion of some rather odd ideas and so this is all about the latest example of such weirdness. A previous and rather famous example was David Silvester, a Ukip councillor for … Read more

California extends most ambitious climate change law in US

About ten years ago back in 2006 the state of California took the very bold step of passing legislation that was designed to slash their greenhouse emissions. This was Assembly Bill (AB) 32- California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 and was passed with the aim of establishing a comprehensive program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from all sources throughout the state. It … Read more