Plans for Human Rights Act to be scrapped in UK

Currently the UK is legally bound via the 1998 Human Rights Act to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). That however is about to change. What we currently have in place has three main effects. These are as follows: 1. It incorporates the rights set out in the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) … Read more

Claim: Obama imposes Islam upon House of Representatives

As part of the on-going and utterly bizarre claim that Obama is really a secret Muslim with an Islamic agenda, we have this latest gem doing the rounds (Image above and tweet below) … What are the facts here? The pictures (and also an associated video clip) show Imam Hamad Chebli of the Islamic Society of Central Jersey … Read more

Did Michele Bachmann say that white people suffered more under Obama than black people did during slavery?

I saw the following posting pop up on Facebook where it is being promoted as fact … It comes across as horrendous, crass, and an incredibly stupid thing to say. It very much panders to the reputation she has as somebody who is very religious and is often quoted as saying some truly silly things, … Read more

Are people who claim “God speaks to me” crazy?

It does strike me as rather odd to discover that God has been telling quite a few Republicans to run for election as President, and yet in every single case God failed to deliver. We might laugh, and mock, but it is also a rather interesting topic as well. So let’s ask ourselves a few … Read more

How do Evangelicals Justify Supporting Trump?

Asking Evangelicals to explain exactly why they openly support Trump is an interesting question because it is indeed quite fascinating to see how they can happily embrace the idea that Trump, a seriously morally impaired individual, is the best possible choice. It should perhaps not surprise us because religion does have a rather rich historical Pedigree of support … Read more

The hidden truth about Hillary Clinton

There exists a persistent myth that there is something highly dubious about Hillary Clinton and that many are voting for her simply because the Republican alternative is even worse. Generally I see claims pop up on FB asserting that she is dishonest and when asked, the common reply is some variation of “Clearly you have not been … Read more

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