Clickbait satire: “Hillary’s empathy for those less fortunate is DISGUSTING”

It is quite clearly one of the most bizarre election cycles ever seen. While it might be tempting to tack the phrase, “In living memory”, on to that last sentence, I find that I don’t need to. In short … Trump : Misogyny, racism, xenophobia, bankruptcy, corruption, rape of a 13 year old, sexual predator … Read more

How can we effectively reach out to Trump Supporters?

You might think that perhaps a religious decree from the religious top would do the trick and would be an effective means for the reality-distortion barrier that prevails to be effectively breached. Apparently not, and we have a real example of that. In 2015 Pope Francis issued a 184 page declaration that Climate Change was … Read more

UN Human Rights – Making the Poachers the Gamekeepers

The United Nations has a Human Rights council, but of course you knew that. If you check out their site, there they lay out what they are there for in very plain terms … The Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental body within the United Nations system made up of 47 States responsible for the promotion and … Read more

Claim: Trump has “Strong Moral character” according to many evangelicals

Politico reporter Dan Diamond has tweeted out the following, not because he agrees, but rather because it is quite frankly bizarre … Do you think Trump has strong moral character? · White evangelicals: 44%· Atheists: 18% — Dan Diamond (@ddiamond) October 16, 2016 I do truly grasp why some evangelicals are supporting Trump. In many … Read more

Why did people actually vote for #BREXIT in the UK?

To anybody outside the UK, the observation that a majority of those voting went against what is in their best interests and voted for the UK to leave the European Union is quite puzzling. However, once you move beyond the initial emotional shock, you then discover that the generally accepted explanation offered by the media is … Read more

Why would a professor of ethics support Trump?

What Trump is all about is well known … His gross dishonesty in almost everything he says has been robustly established by the fact checkers again and again His xenophobia and racism The observation that he is a sexual predator – he said it and women have been coming forward to confirm it. This is a he … Read more