Mike Pence – Myths vs Facts

Let me start by putting my cards on the table here – I’m not a Mike Pence supporter. While writing about how his appearance in the audience at the Hamilton musical resulted him him being booed, I came across one commenter who suggested that booing him was wholly appropriate because he wants to literally electrocute gay … Read more

What actually happened at #Hamilton the Musical when Mike Pence showed up?

As I’m sure you are now aware, Mike Pence went to see the popular hit Musical #Hamilton that is based upon the life of American Founding Father Alexander Hamilton. There are various claims that the behaviour of the cast was “rude” towards Mr Pence, hence the president elect has demanded an apology. So what really happened? Let’s take … Read more

Climate Change: What will happen if we do nothing?

The official position of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is that the “Do Nothing” approach will led to an increase in Global temperatures of something in the range of 2.6 and 4.8 degrees above pre-industrial numbers by about 2100. However, there is now some emerging evidence via an analysis of palo-climatology data that this may … Read more

Trump! … What the Hell happened?

I listened last night to one chap from Breitbart being interviewed about things, and as he gushed he was (quite rightly) challenged by the guy interviewing him about the rather obnoxious rhetoric the Trump had deployed during the campaign. There is no denying any of that, I very much doubt you could find anybody who was not … Read more

Failed Claims: “The fix is in: Newsweek Hillary issue in print before election happened”

For what are rather obvious reasons this claim is dead in the water, however just prior to the election is was thriving. It is inevitable that a Hillary would have given it a huge boost and that it would then continue to have circulated for quite some time. OK, so what was going on here? It … Read more