Best Climate Change Promoter – Trump

media matters trump and climate change

It is distinctly possible that after Salman Rushdie published his fourth novel, The Satanic Verses, back in 1988, you would normally have never heard of it. Can you for example name any other novel he has written? Everything changed when the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the Supreme Leader of Iran at that time, issued a formal fatwā calling … Read more

Top 3 Items of Religious Weirdness in 2017

religious weirdness trump support

Normally, once per week, I write up a posting that spotlights my personal selection of the top three items of religiously inspired weirdness that happened during the past seven days. Today however, for rather obvious reasons, I’m looking back over the past calendar year to pick out the top three items of religious weirdness. Rather … Read more

Trump Nominee Kathleen Hartnett White blocked

Kathleen Hartnett White

Last November I was writing about the nomination of Kathleen Hartnett White to head the Council on Environmental Quality. She was up before a senate committee to endorse her in the role and I was at that time mulling over just how grossly inappropriate she was for that position. Not the right person If you searched diligently … Read more

Output from the 2017 AGU meeting – Scientific Activism


Once a year the Comic-Con of the Earth, space and climate sciences holds a meeting, and in 2017 it was in New Orleans. This is the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union. As a result Reporters will inevitably suffer the horrendous stress of being sent to hang out in New Orleans for the weekend (oh the … Read more