The Cartoonist Fired for criticising Trump strikes back

Rob Rogers

Rob Rogers spent many decades being the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette cartoonist, but ended up being fired because he created cartoons that criticised Trump. Yesterday Nib has published, in cartoon form of course, a comic that he has written to tell the story of what happened. It is titled  “I Was Fired for Criticizing Trump.”. Here is a brief … Read more

Humanists shocked to receive ‘bizarre rant’ from United States

UNHRC - UN Human Rights Council

It was officially announced this week that the US has quit the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC). This is the first time any nation has ever voluntarily left. When it was first established in 2006, the Bush administration simply did not join, and it was only in 2009 that the Obama administration brought the US in. … Read more

Poll: More have no religion in a sharply shifting religious landscape

religious poll

Yesterday I briefly referenced the ABC / Washington Post religious poll that was published on 10th May. I’d like to return to it again today and dig into it in a little bit more and pull out a few trends. Background context to the ongoing decline of religious belief in the US It has been … Read more

Trump Administration Censoring Science


I’ve previously written a few postings on this topic. Back in May I was writing about the censorship of press releases at the US Department of the Interior (a study highlighted an increasing risk of global flooding, but the press release purged all references to the cause being Climate change). A month later evidence was … Read more

Michelle Wolf at White House Correspondent’s dinner – #WHCD

Michelle Wolf

Comedian Michelle Wolf delivered a glorious standup routine at the annual Whitehouse Correspondent’s dinner. You most probably heard that she did this, and perhaps also picked up a few snippets from it. It is simply too good to let it slip by without underlining it, and so here it is in full. (Video and also … Read more