Climate Change denier was paid to take that stance

Willie Wei-Hock Soon, an aerospace engineer and a part-time employee at the Solar and Stellar Physics (SSP) Division of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, is better known in some quarters as a rather vocal critic of the prevailing scientific consensus that human activity is a significant contributor to climate change. He does does not deny that global warning is happening, but … Read more

The “Militant Atheist” shooting

It is all rather bizarre. The background story is perhaps known to most – a gun loving redneck named Stephen Hicks has an ongoing dispute with his neighbours over parking, and rather tragically blows his top over that issue. In a fit of unbridled rage he ends up pulling the gun he always carried on his hip … Read more

Some strive to be complete twits, and some strive to be decent human beings

So here is a small little contrast between those that simply do not get it, and are in effect enslaved to absurd ideas to such a degree that they end up more or less self-declaring as complete twits (or worse). Those that don’t get it The Guardian reports that thousands of Muslims gathered in central … Read more

Please help Raif Badawi – #FreeRaif – Prisoner of Conscience

Saudi Arabian blogger Raif Badawi continues to face 950 lashes and a decade in prison – simply for calling for free speech. The UK government has so far failed to call for Raif’s freedom, despite knowing of and speaking on his case – alongside a visit to Saudi Arabia by the Prime Minister. Ask our … Read more

Freedom of Speech vs Holocaust Denial

Freedom of speech is a rather important right, and while it is quite easy to support the concept when it is manifesting itself as criticism of ideas we oppose (drawing Mohammed for example), what happens when we are faced with the promotion of things that we find to be highly offensive and utterly absurd – … Read more

Turkish Twitter whistleblower exposing corruption in Turkey

There is a twitter user who is spilling the innermost secrets of the corrupt Turkish Government, and you can even read the tweets in English as well. He claims he’s male, works alone, is part of Erdogan’s inner circle, and so has access to all that is going on. One source comments … “Fuat Avni’s consistent … Read more