Lying to promote a belief … completely blows your credibility

The Godless spellchecker has a great article exposing an absurd claim published within the UK’s Independent that ‘Islamophobic’ hate crime is up by 70% in London … ‘Islamophobic’ hate crime is up by 70% in England’s capital, we’re informed by the BBC today ahead of their scheduled documentary ‘Inside Out: Behind The Veil‘ this evening. A concerning headline indeed. … Read more

Why is there so much hostility towards atheists from the religious?

I once tried a little experiment in a FB group. Upon diving in and starting to swim amongst the religious believers I deployed slightly different words. The result? – interactions were quite different. It was perhaps akin to this. “Do you collect stamps?” Instead of being specific and explaining, “No, I’m not a stamp collector”, … Read more

Take Action: Two Sisters to be raped as punishment – Please demand justice

UPDATE (8th Sept) – The claim that the two sisters were sentenced to be raped appears to be false, so you can ignore this petition – my apologies. Here is an Amnesty International petition for you to sign – Please do not skip this, international attention truly does get results. I’ve lifted the following directly from … Read more

The Moral Decay of Conservative Christianity

Valerie Tarico, a psychologist and writer in Seattle, Washington, has a nice Conservative Christian takedown over at RawStory entitled “Conservative Christians point fingers at atheists to cover growing corruption in church“. On the surface the claims made by many belief leaders sound both credible to those that believe and are also very much on script, … Read more

Richard Feynman is asked how Magnets work … his answer is mind-blowing.

The famous nobel prize winning physicist, Richard Feynman, is asked how magnets work. As an answer, you might expect him to perhaps talk about the magnetic field or Maxwell’s equations … but no … instead what he does is to reveal something quite amazing that cuts directly to the heart of what is being asked and how … Read more