An Example of a “Hey, that’s odd” discovery.

Isaac Asimov is often credited with the following quote, and while I’ve never been able to confirm that he really did say or write this, it still does resonate with many … “The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” (I found it!) but “That’s funny … Read more

Changing your mind about Sam Harris and “New Atheists”

I’ve often been astonished at the manner in which Sam Harris is demonised. Various claims abound about him being Islamophobic, racist, a bigot, etc… and yet when you dig into what he is supposed to have said, it often turns out to be a rather stark contrast to what is actually being said. To give … Read more

Dialogue with an Ahmadi Muslim who wants to work with Atheists

On Facebook the claim above pops up from Kashif, a Muslim who is a member of the Ahmadiyya sect and so generally takes a non-violent stance. The above posting has rather a lot of problems, specifically the rather obvious – nobody actually declares all 1.6 billion Muslims to be violent terrorist thugs. This form of argument is what … Read more

Some Statistics have inspired Ken Ham to be rather surprised, shocked and saddened

If Mr Ham has some statistics that have left him feeling sad, then it is quite distinctly possible that we have a set of statistics that point towards the world becoming an even better place. OK, so what is this all about? Well the story here is that Young Earth Creationist, Ken Ham, blogs his … Read more

2015 Nobel Prize : Literature

Today’s Nobel Award moves on from science to Literature. The leap from science to literature might appear odd, but is like this because Alfred Nobel within his will decreed it… one part to the person who shall have produced in the field of literature the most outstanding work in an ideal direction The written word is … Read more