Is Anus Tanning really a thing?
“perineum sunning” is a hot new craze. Letting the sun shine where it usually does not is really not a good idea. Claims made for this are BS
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
“perineum sunning” is a hot new craze. Letting the sun shine where it usually does not is really not a good idea. Claims made for this are BS
Proposed Ohio bill dictates that doctors must follow a medical prodedure that does not exist or instead go to jail for as long as 15 years.
Alternative medicine is tagged “alternative” because it an intervention that has been demonstrated to not actually do anything medical beyond the placebo effect. Examples abound and include things such as Homeopathy, Reiki, etc… Let’s briefly review those. Examples of Alternative Medicine Homeopathy, dreamed up in 1792. It involves giving you a diluted substance to supposedly … Read more
It is perhaps now being increasingly appreciated by many people that Homeopathy is utter nonsense and does not work, and yet it has been granted accreditation by the UK’s Government run PSA (Professional Standards Authority). As a quick bit of background, just to be clear, homeopathy really is a sham and does not work … … Read more
It is once again Nobel prize week, and as is traditional, Medicine kicks the proceedings off. So who has contributed to our understanding and won this year? Press Release details are here … The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2019 The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2019 was awarded jointly to … William … Read more
A prevailing and rather popular practise has been the consumption of a daily low dose of Aspirin to help prevent cardiovascular disease. Literally millions of people are currently doing this. The current medical consensus is that this does more harm than good. There is a new report via a team of Harvard researchers that conforms … Read more