#FoxNewsFacts Trends Worldwide After Fox ‘Expert’ Completely Makes Up Fake Story

Fox News already has a reputation as a highly unreliable and extremely biased source for everything they do and so it came as no surprise to discover one of their “experts” simply making stuff up. The latest rather hilarious (for us) gaff is their terrorism expert, Steve Emerson, making the rather absurd claim that Birmingham in the UK was ‘totally … Read more

What is the very Best way to respond when faced with Bigotry and hatred?

Derren Brown, the famous illusionist, came out as gay back in 2007. At the time the rather inevitable happened; because he is famous, some of the tabloids ran with it …. In 2007 he did a “discreet” interview with The Independent where he officially came out.  “If you don’t do anything at all then suddenly it’s … Read more

The “Highly Offensive” tweets of Neil deGrasse Tyson

For those of you that are highly religious Christians, are insecure about that position, and have no sense of humour, please stop reading now. If you do not heed this warning then there is a distinct possibility that you are about to be highly offended. Neil deGrasse Tyson, Astrophysicist, Author, and host of Cosmos, has been … Read more