Traditional vs Alternative cancer treatments – which works best?

cancer cure - alternative medicine

Researchers at Yale university asked themselves a question about cures for cancer … “Do people who opt for Alternative Treatments for cancer have a better outcome and survive longer?” If indeed people are better off with an alternative treatment, then that’s a rather important discovery.  After studying this they have written up the results and … Read more

Homeopathy cancer paper withdrawn, lead authors arrested


Homeopathy is having a very bad week. Given the observation that there is no credible evidence that verifies that it actually works, then this is not a surprise. This week there have been two Homeopathy items that have popped up in the news cycle. Let’s briefly cover each in turn. The UK’s National Health Service is … Read more

Mike Adams and YouTube – Freedom of Expression?

Mike Adams has had his Natural News channel obliterated from YouTube. (Insert cheering crowd here). First, let’s clear something up. In a recent rant about this quite official YouTube ban a few days ago he made a claim about this being a violation of Free Speech (I’m not linking to it, you can google it … Read more

Does “Ultra Processed” food really cause cancer?

Ultra Processed

Various  reputable media outlets are reporting the news that a study has been published that links the consumption of “Ultra processed” foods to cancer. For example … BBC – Ultra-processed foods ‘linked to cancer’ The Guardian – Ultra-processed foods may be linked to cancer, says study Even the UK’s National Health Service has published guidance – Ultra-processed foods … Read more

What should you do what faced with hardcore vaccine denial?

vaccine denial

Meet Dene Shulze-Alva and her daughter Sage, age 5. The above is a picture of her that was highlighted within an NPR article about vaccine denial.  The backstory here is that she is a hardcore vaccine denialist who has not only refused to have her daughter vaccinated, but takes time out to fly right across the … Read more