Failed Claims: “The fix is in: Newsweek Hillary issue in print before election happened”

For what are rather obvious reasons this claim is dead in the water, however just prior to the election is was thriving. It is inevitable that a Hillary would have given it a huge boost and that it would then continue to have circulated for quite some time. OK, so what was going on here? It … Read more

Top 5 Weirdest Cognitive Biases

I was writing yesterday about Buster’s Cheat sheet of Cognitive Biases that he composed from the list found on the Wikipedia page entitled “List of cognitive biases“. Browse that list and you will find some familiar friends such as “Confirmation Bias” or “Backfire effect“. However, you will also find some truly strange ones, and so I’ve picked … Read more

How can we effectively reach out to Trump Supporters?

You might think that perhaps a religious decree from the religious top would do the trick and would be an effective means for the reality-distortion barrier that prevails to be effectively breached. Apparently not, and we have a real example of that. In 2015 Pope Francis issued a 184 page declaration that Climate Change was … Read more

What is the best source for accurate information?

The TL;DR; (Too Long; Didn’t Read) answer for the question in the subject line is that Wikipedia is. When you have vast swathes of the human population interacting on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter then it tends to naturally devolve into bubbles. For example those that support Hillary will be sufficiently motivated … Read more

Why did people actually vote for #BREXIT in the UK?

To anybody outside the UK, the observation that a majority of those voting went against what is in their best interests and voted for the UK to leave the European Union is quite puzzling. However, once you move beyond the initial emotional shock, you then discover that the generally accepted explanation offered by the media is … Read more