Religious Myths about Atheists

There is a great article over at AlterNet entitled “10 Myths Many Religious People Hold About Atheists, Debunked”. There you will find that Amanda Marcotte has done a great job slicing and dicing the following list … There are no atheists in foxholes Atheists are just angry with God Atheists are aggressive and rude Atheism is … Read more

Simply Evil

We will of course encounter numerous 9/11 comments and opinions for what are fairly obvious reasons. For me, personally, one of the simplest and clearest is the article in Slate by Christopher Hitchens. He nails it with two words … “Simply Evil” …

A decade after 9/11, it remains the best description and most essential fact about al-Qaida.
The proper task of the “public intellectual” might be conceived as the responsibility to introduce complexity into the argument: the reminder that things are very infrequently as simple as they can be made to seem. But what I learned in a highly indelible manner from the events and arguments of September 2001 was this: Never, ever ignore the obvious either. To the government and most of the people of the United States, it seemed that the country on 9/11 had been attacked in a particularly odious way (air piracy used to maximize civilian casualties) by a particularly odious group (a secretive and homicidal gang: part multinational corporation, part crime family) that was sworn to a medieval cult of death, a racist hatred of Jews, a religious frenzy against Hindus, Christians, Shia Muslims, and “unbelievers,” and the restoration of a long-vanished and despotic empire.

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Debating Evolution with the crazies – Hints and Tips

If, like me, you engage in on-line discussions with theist crazies, then you will know that at some point Evolution will pop up. It is usually unexpected (but not always), for example yesterday when engaged in a debate with an Islamic fanatic about the existence of God (which is usually a claim that is some variation of one of the three famous arguments, the Cosmological, the Teleological, or the Ontological) we suddenly take a left-hand turn and Darwin pops up which then leaves all the non-believers thinking, “WTF, where did that come from?“, and soon we were buried in heaps of anti-evolution quotes.

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Famous Evangelist Counters Atheist Article … with silly nonsense.

Al Stefanelli, who is the Georgia State Director of American Atheists, Inc, recently wrote an article entitled, “On Morals: Why Atheism Trumps Christianity,”. It’s a great article, I recommend it … but that is not why I’m blogging, it’s the response to this that has caught my attention. The Christian Post asked evangelist and bestselling author Jason Frenn to respond, and so of course this being the Christian Post and Jason being a famous evangelist, we can expect a well-reasoned, truly rational and robust reply, right? Yes, you guessed correctly, the correct answer is “No” OK, you can stop laughing now. Ah but wait, perhaps not, “Bestselling Author” … “Famous Evangelist” … ??? … I’ve never heard of him, and can’t find anybody who has, so I have a quibble with both of those claims, so you can carry on laughing after all.

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Atheists and Sex Offenders

Many of you might have already seen the video by the Thinking Atheist that is a response to Florida “pastor” Michael Stahl’s blog suggestion that a national register of Atheists should be compiled. Least you missed the fuss about his crazy suggestion, I blogged about it here, but fret not, he is a complete kook and is pastor of nothing at all except a web site. In reply, he was flooded with so many objections that he has closed his Facebook page and locked down his blog.

Anyway, here is the Thinking Atheist’s great video that lists some very famous Atheists who would be on any such list. The point of course is to highlight that non believers include some of the most influential folks and highly respected people on the planet …

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