“A Look at Two Common Atheist Arguments” by a Christian … my rebuttal

Over at the Christian Post there is a blog posting that went up yesterday by a chap called Robin Schumacher entitled “A Look at Two Common Atheist Arguments”. Will this be a cut above the usual? Perhaps yes, he is billed as, “A Theologian and apologist” and “has a Ph.D. in New Testament and Master’s in Christian … Read more

I have no clue what caused this, so obviously it was magic …. right! …. er no.

A rather common argument that often gets presented for a God claim is to simply point at the world, then claim that it quite obviously could not have just happened so obviously god is real. Here is an Islamic variation for you … if you look at the orderliness and the interdependence of all living … Read more

“Dear Atheists, Come Back to God” – The Stupid is strong in this one.

Opposing Views is a US website where “experts” debate topics. In this case there is a reason for the scare quotes, the “expert” in question turns out to be “Answers in Genesis”, a bunch of creationist kooks who hold views that are so weird, that other creationists denounce them as “misguided” and assert that this group “deliberately … Read more

Debating Islam on Facebook – The Shallow end vs the Deep end of the pool

There are two specific Facebook groups I’m in that have rather similar names, but are dominated by very different views. One, entitled ATHEISM DEBUNKED BY MUSLIMEEN (their caps not mine) is dominated by various strands of Islamic thought, and rather bizarrely has  a rule against logic and reason. No really, it reads, “Members are requested not to involve in … Read more