Will Satanists really be running after school clubs?

There have been reports that the Satanic Temple will soon be setting up After School clubs, so is there any truth to this or have you just tripped over a bit of summer season silliness churned out by a hack while the real journalists are away on vacation? It is also the sort of story that can … Read more

Facebook page “We Love GMOs and Vaccines” permanently taken down by Facebook

Steve Novella has written an article that grants us a really good insight into the recent GMO wars that have been taking place within social media. The quick summary is this … the Facebook page, We Love GMOs and Vaccines, was permanently taken down by Facebook and its founder, Stephan Neidenbach, was banned from Facebook for … Read more

Satanic Rituals at a Bible Belt City council

It really happened. This is story about David Suhor from the Satanic Temple and how he delivered a rather unique invocation at a Pensacola City Council meeting deep in the heart of the US Bible belt a couple of weeks ago. As you might perhaps anticipate, it provoked a reaction and so we also had protesters in … Read more

Can we wipe out the Ivory Trade with synthetic 3D printed Ivory?

The Ivory trade has resulted in poachers seeking out and slaughtering animals such as Rhino and Elephants to such a degree that it is rapidly leading towards, not just the endangerment of species, but complete extinction. The motivation that drives the now illegal poaching is well-understood, as explained by IFLS … The belief that rhino horn treats fevers or … Read more

Is Glyphosphate the spawn of an evil profit hungry chemical company?

If your reaction is to shudder because you consider Glyphosphate to be the spawn of Evil Inc (more commonly known as Monsanto), then I would recommend putting that emotional reaction on pause. It is popular within some segments of our culture to embrace the idea that there is something inherently wrong with Glyphosphate, hence it needs to be … Read more

Why is having a gun in your home a really really bad idea?

On a business trip to the US, I was invited by one chap into his home, and at some point the topic of guns came up. Not being a US citizen, he was curious to solicit my views. He was clearly pro-gun and had some rather strong ideas, and so being a polite guest I … Read more