WARNING – Using the Internet will seriously damage your religious beliefs

MIT Technology review has published the details of a rather interesting study regarding the decline of religious beliefs. Since the 1990s the use of the internet has risen … and …. since the 1990s there has been a decline in religious affiliation … therefore … using the internet causes a decline in religious affiliation. Here is … Read more

Claim: Clever questions atheists can’t answer!

So I was shown a page entitled “Clever questions atheists can’t answer!” and asked to comment. It turns out to be a list that comes from a “Creation Science” site, so you can most probably guess what the spin here is going to be, and you can also be darn sure that we are dealing with individuals … Read more

Entertainment: Dave Allen collection

No serious posts or ranting today, but instead just a bit of entertainment for you from the Irish Comedian Dave Allen. His observations were a way of looking at religion from different perspectives and that then enabled many to laugh at the absurdities revealed. So here now is a collection of some of his religious jokes that … Read more

The Quote Mining of Sam Harris

If you have ever debated a Creationist then the concept of Quote Mining will be familiar. This is where a specific quote is lifted out of its original context and then presented in isolation in order to verify the quote miner’s view. For example, Darwin wrote the following in the Origin of the species … To suppose … Read more

How do you feel about “Them” and how do “they” view us? – will it ever change?

Our larger national culture is something that is actually composed of rather a lot of smaller micro-cultures and there are many different types of these micro-cultures within this larger national unit. As an example, this can manifest as distinct geographical variations (North vs South) where each is a distinctly different micro-culture even though in a larger more global context it can … Read more

Bill Maher doing Stand-Up About Religion

Now here is a nice little collection of Bill Maher doing Stand-Up About Religion … Like bees to the scent of nectar, the clip has attracted the usual collection of believers within the comments frantically trying to make a coherent rebuttal … and totally failing to do so. Number of comments – 7,230 Number of thumbs down for … Read more