How should you cope with religious discrimination at work?

Let’s look at this from both sides. First we will consider the potential for religious people to be discriminated against, and will then move to to consider religious employers discriminating against non-religious employees. If an employer discriminates against a religious person on the sole basis of their specific beliefs, there there are consequences because there … Read more

Study Results: Religion makes kids less compassionate and more intolerant

A few articles have been popping up about a new study that reports the discovery that kids raised without god are far more altruistic and compassionate than kids raised with god. This appears odd (to some) and might perhaps be a surprise, primarily because there exists a popular perception that religion is all about love, kindness, and compassion … Read more

The Moral Decay of Conservative Christianity

Valerie Tarico, a psychologist and writer in Seattle, Washington, has a nice Conservative Christian takedown over at RawStory entitled “Conservative Christians point fingers at atheists to cover growing corruption in church“. On the surface the claims made by many belief leaders sound both credible to those that believe and are also very much on script, … Read more

How do you work out what is fact and what is fiction?

Learning how to work out what is fact and what is fiction is all part of growing up, and so a 4 year old who believes Santa Claus is real is cute. If however a grown adult was seriously asserting that Santa Claus was quite real then we would be quite rightly concerned because clearly something has … Read more