Janet Street-Porter shocked by facts … and so dismisses them

I was writing a few days ago about the recent survey that revealed that the people who do not have a religious belief in the UK are now up to 48.5% and so outnumber the biggest religious belief, Christianity, which is only 44%. As you might anticipate, some who are religious are a tad upset about … Read more

Do religious people really live a longer life?

There is apparently a new study that has just been published in which it is being asserted that those that are religious will live a longer life. The study, found within JAMA Internal Medicine, is entitled: Association of Religious Service Attendance With Mortality Among Women and there they claim … Frequent attendance at religious services … Read more

Will religion die?

A couple of days ago I was writing about why the latest evolutionary psychological observations suggest the inevitable demise and decline of both Christianity and also Islam. I now see that the UK’s Independent has run a similar story … however … this is how they describe it … Religion could die out as world’s … Read more

The decline and demise of Islam and Christianity

OK, so let’s set a bit of context here. The focus is that I am writing about religious morality, or to be a bit more specific, beliefs that tells you what is and is not right or wrong. Clearly the beliefs that do exactly this tend to dominate today, specifically Islam and also of course Christianity. Now here … Read more