Weird Claim: Gladiator battles between humans, giants and dinosaurs really happened

I missed this one yesterday when I was writing my a weekly summary of some of the truly bizarre religious claims floating about this week. It is just too good to pass over, so here it is. Mr Ham (who else could roll with this) tweeted this out … Exquisite design by @ArkEncounter artists for … Read more

Weekly Weird Religious News

So today I’m turning in a slightly different direction and am posting a few highlights from some of the truly whacky and utterly bizarre bits of religiously motivated news items that have happened in the past week. You might think that I would need to widen the span of time to say a year to find such items, … Read more

Hunting for witches in the UK

Leo Igwe, a progressive activist (whom I do know and can vouch for) has written all about the religious idea that witches are real and need to be rooted out. The concept is not new and has existed for quite some time. What is however quite shocking is this … Witchcraft related abuse is a … Read more

Has religious decline come to a halt in the UK?

The National Center for social research has recently released some new statistics. In this they reveal that the decline of religion within the UK appears to have halted. The UK’s Telegraph has in turn picked this up and run with that .. Decline of religion in Britain ‘comes to a halt’ – major study suggests … Read more

What do Humans actually believe?

This is not a posting about one specific variation of belief, but I will start with one to illustrate the point I’m making. Hemet Mehta, the Friendly Atheist has been doing a series of videos on what various beliefs actually believe, and one of the latest is 10 Things You Should Know About Seventh Day Adventists. … Read more