The collapse of faith in Catholic priests

catholic confidence in priests

What do Catholics think about Catholic Priests? Roughly one month ago, in the lead up to Christmas 2018, Gallup conducted a poll of people that asked about the categories of professions that they trusted the most. They have been doing that every year for some time now. From that one we learned the following … Nurses … Read more

How many consider Religion to be Important?


In the lead up to Christmas, Gallop conducted a poll of people that asked various questions regarding the importance of religious belief. So what did they discover and how does it compare to previous similar polls, is religion in decline? Highlights Religion is important to 72% in U.S., including 51% “very important“ Record-low 46% in U.S. … Read more

How common are “new age” beliefs?

new age

First let’s define what the term “new age belief” means. It is basically a catch-all term that involves a belief in non-traditional supernatural claims such as reincarnation, astrology, psychics and the presence of spiritual energy in physical objects like mountains or trees. The term “New Age” harks back to the 1970s movements that embraced such ideas … Read more