Why is there a Weird warming hole in the Atlantic? – #Climate

warming hole

Often when seeing a map of the world that illustrates Global Warming a rather strangely persistent cold area within the North Atlantic is observed. Within the above you can see four different examples that illustrate just how persistent it is. It has been noticed and pondered over for quite some time. A 2012 paper within … Read more

Ghost Forests – #climate

ghosts forests

There is an associated press article that has initiated a series of media articles about what are called ghost forests. Let’s start by defining what the term “Ghost forest” actually means and what causes this to happen. Basically, when sea level rises after an earthquake or due to climate change, a forested coastal region can become … Read more

Larsen C has finally split – It is one of the biggest icebergs ever recorded – #antarctic

Last December I was writing about the widening rift that had been measured in the Larsen C Ice Shelf in the Antarctic by NASA’s #ICEBridge. I highlighted the inevitable – the breakup of the Larsen C ice shelf,  and pointed out that this was part of the on-going process that had seen Larsen A disintegrate in … Read more

What did the G20 agree on Climate?

As you are no doubt aware, the way Trump behaved means that the G20 can in many respects be renamed the G19 + 1 when it comes to climate and many other issues. G20 Interactions The UK’s Guardian describes it as follows … As anticipated, the big bone of contention was Trump’s decision to withdraw … Read more

Global Coral Reefs are in terminal decline – #climate

The canary in the coal mine, the world’s Coral Reefs are now in extreme distress. Not too long ago I was blogging about the unprecedented back-to-back mass bleaching event that has taken place on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. The actual scope, the big picture here, is that it is not simply one famous Coral Reef … Read more