New paper claims clouds cause climate change
Seriously flawed paper claims that clouds are responsible for climate change. What exactly are the probelms witrhin this paper?
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
Seriously flawed paper claims that clouds are responsible for climate change. What exactly are the probelms witrhin this paper?
Roughly about the middle of each and every month NOAA publish a Global Climate Report. The June 2019 version has now been published. Once we reach the end of the month it takes until about now to receive all the global data, carefully check it all, then write up the assessment with precise details. June … Read more
Back on 5th July I was writing about the release of data from the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). This official EU body had data that reported that June 2019 was the hottest June ever recorded on planet earth. It was the first of various datasets. The latest update is that the NASA GISS data … Read more
New study highlights maximum potential that comes via planting more trees to absorbe CO2. What is also true is that this alone is not enough.
Today is #ShowYourStripes day. What exacctly is this all about, who started it, why is it a thing, and where did it come from?
Some climate updates from observational records collected by ECMWF for May 2019. Also some pointers to what comes next for the climate.