The Cult of Fools – Intolerance – Mar 21, 2021
This is a selection of the idiots from the past week. It emanates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
This is a selection of the idiots from the past week. It emanates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics
Tick ‘No religion’ in the #Census2021 if you don’t believe in or practise a religion. It’s important to reflect that honestly.
Climate Solutions 101 by @ProjectDrawdown. A free 90 minute educational course with six episodes, covering everything you need to understand on how to get to net zero.
Long-lost Greenland Core Drilled to Prepare Ice Sheet to Hide Nuclear Missiles Holds Clues About a Different Threat
In what way has lockdown impacted Climate Change? – I distill article by Climate Researcher Piers Forster for insights into this.
The CDC issued new guidance last week for those that are fully vaccinated. It is quite encouraging and points the way forward to normal life.