Informal vs Formal Fallacy – What is the Difference?


We generally understand that a fallacy is where we make a mistake in our thinking. What is the difference between an informal and formal fallacy, what does that actually mean?

I’ve written up a few notes on this.

The funniest cartoon in the world – A Homeopathy Cartoon

Homeopathy cartoon

The above really tickled me. If you understand what Homeopathy claims to be then you will get it. But Homeopathy is just Herbal Medicine … right? Nope, not at all, it is something that is completely and utterly bizarre. It is not some ancient medicine, but instead is based on a series of strange ideas … Read more

New data reveals British sea level records stretching back 200 years

sea level rise

We know that sea level is rising. In fact we know the precise rate of that rise. What this study brings to the table for the first time is a very precise historical record of sea level for the UK going back over 200 years. As you can see from the above, it was rather … Read more